S-ILF Samvaad- An initiative to reach out to the leprosy colonies

The Covid pandemic and ensuing lockdown have restricted our movement in the field but not our resolve and determination to serve the Leprosy community. In the current scenario, the world is running through online means to continue its work. Keeping it in mind we have launched a new initiative called S-ILF Samvaad as an initiative to reach out to the Leprosy colonies across the country.

S-ILF Samvaad is a dialogue between the residents of the leprosy colonies and our team as we try to understand the problems and issues being faced in their lives. So that collective decision making can help bring about change. To us, these days of physical distancing, it is becoming more pertinent to be connected.

The first such dialogue of S-ILF Samvaad was organised in Nashik, Maharashtra on the occasion of the inauguration of our regional office. Till now, we have reached out to colonies in the states of Delhi, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra through these online means. S-ILF Samvaad is a hope to have better relations of the organisation with the people on the ground and also a ray of hope that together we can do better and achieve much better.